'56 BMW 507.
You lean in closer to my left bicep, pressing against my breast, your arm is a pressure that makes softness felt. You’re an excitement I feel from ankle to wrist, while you recite into my left ear a fantasy you wish to act out. It describes me sitting in the passenger seat of a convertible we’re driving in, later on, In the night, Driving along a coastline, Dark lacing prisms from,
A kiss.
A kiss, what is this feeling of wet and firm and electricity. Your closeness is sweeping over me, like, indigo to black skies over fields of shadows kissing violet, reds and pinks. Your lips are warm, full, lush, and fully locked on me. I am within a transient fix by how meant to be, a power in waves running across my sensory. I fall into the embrace you have around me, you whistling breaths in my ear, and the air licking leaves.
Abigail and Amos.
Amos: See that boat over there, Abigail? They are cars… On. That. Boat. Abigail: Sugar. Amos: Abigail, they are cars. Abigail: Sugar. Amos: Cars. Abigail: Sugar. Amos: They are cars, Abigail! Abigail: Sugar, Amos. Amos: You’re infuriating, Abigail. I’m telling you, they are cars on that boat, CARSSS Abigail! CARS, CARS, CA… HONK, HONK, HONK!@!#@! Abigail: I am walking away from you now, Amos. Excerpt from Between love poems and solitude.
Act 1: Under shade.
Before leaving you too soon, Only a moment, Sit with me, close, To tell you how much, I love you inside. To watch the quietest day, Seen in its vibrancy, Silhouetted by the scent of your, Cologne baking in the sun, Under shade. I will kiss your warmth goodbye, but, Stay in love, Inside. Remember me, though, I am far away, You are with me inside, Cocooned in my heart, a moment,
Act 2: Old-fashioned.
Following your musk scent, close behind you, I follow the line of your footsteps. Your fingers covering my fingertips, we fitting in this space, empty and to ourselves. A quiet corner, you order an Old-fashioned, just like in those old black & whites. “I love you.” You always remind me. I know. You worry my heart will leave earth, without knowing your heart is mine. You say, “Don’t be home feeling lonely, call me.
Act 3: South train headed north.
I’m leaving you for a little while. On a south train, east of Tennessee, headed north. Lyrics of I don’t want to set the world on fire, muted to soft, heard only over metal hitting the metal track and making it pulse. I feel the train leaving the platform, soon to be in your arms. My playlist ready, to think about you some more. Holding a Ralph Ellison, From the bookstore, west in the city,
An eclipse.
What is an eclipse? “An eclipse occurs when one heavenly body such as a moon or planet moves into the shadow of another heavenly body.” -Source unknown. Excerpt from A cat’s love.
Another urban jungle.
Urban jungle beat, Masked behind a concrete heart. Colors pink and orange. Excerpt from Between love poems and solitude.
Az Yashir Moshe.
Moses will sing in Exodus 15. -Torah Song at the Sea. The New York Public Library, For the Performing Arts New York City, Manhattan “Then Moses and the Israelites sang this song to the Lord. The Song of Moses and Miriam. Y estonces cantó Moxé y hijos de Israel.” — Shiri, Ariel and Kfir. My heart is shattered into pieces. Words are too small now. Israel will sing again. Excerpt and dedication from
Azulene skyband.
My back against warm sand, Watching across, An azulene skyband. Faded from the turquoise glow, Your moody indigo, Kissing my peach city flow. Pink undertones of faded light, Outside and inside, Us, Moving together, In periwinkle delight. Where the orange of a sun, Says goodnight. You’re awake, A tan-kissed, Overcast, Of temperamental clouds, Into the night. You wait, Until the pearl, white moon, Takes over, Me. You like watching, Through the veil of shadow and light,
Behind me.
You formulated this idea in my mental kitchen that I will nurture and take care of you in such ways. Be the woman enveloped with the most secret parts of you. Be sweet to you… You love my sweetness the most. You never had a woman so willing, so caring, that when you walk through the door, towards, the energy I absorb. Anything you ask, I’m your mami, all yours. I don’t even need to know where you are… You are behind me, arms folded, waiting, agitated, becoming even more.
Birdie view.
Black forest.
Black forest is bright, The sky’s darkness is my light. Trunk and leaves and me. Excerpt from Between love poems and solitude.
Blistering suns of the Carolinas.
When the blistering suns of the Carolinas are bearing down on your shoulders at the noon hour, find haven in cool waters brushed by the Southern Carolina air. Excerpt from Between the South and the North.
To love you more this day than yesterday, I have bloomed in spirit of you, And within myself, Despite myself, And in spite of you. I love you. Excerpt from Between love poems and solitude.