A kiss.
A kiss, what is this feeling of wet and firm and electricity. Your closeness is sweeping over me, like, indigo to black skies over fields of shadows kissing violet, reds and pinks. Your lips are warm, full, lush, and fully locked on me. I am within a transient fix by how meant to be, a power in waves running across my sensory. I fall into the embrace you have around me, you whistling breaths in my ear, and the air licking leaves. I, me, finally allowing openness and me to be in all of its vast peculiarities. When sun meets the edge of night, with that iridescent sanity, calm peach glow, hearing only silence from the world, giving life to you. To me. That quick, and in sync, you cannot forget even when time passes, realizing the universes and their infinities. Permanent in your mark, the only hope is forever as long as you stand before me. Your thighs and hands running across the silhouette of my body, touching all the untouched parts of me. Within a southern dream, you waking me up to the late morning to only lie on you, be for you. I thank God for you, and the only breeze ever felt is under the sky of you, irreplaceable.
Excerpt from
Between the South and the North.