Abigail and Amos.
Amos: See that boat over there, Abigail? They are cars… On. That. Boat.
Abigail: Sugar.
Amos: Abigail, they are cars.
Abigail: Sugar.
Amos: Cars.
Abigail: Sugar.
Amos: They are cars, Abigail!
Abigail: Sugar, Amos.
Amos: You’re infuriating, Abigail. I’m telling you, they are cars on that boat, CARSSS Abigail! CARS, CARS, CA… HONK, HONK, HONK!@!#@!
Abigail: I am walking away from you now, Amos.
Excerpt from
Between love poems and solitude.