Ship, fall night.

Ship coasting into still sky,
Slowing into a chilled, fall night,
Black night with hint of wine,
Cold howls, now, to stand,
In a city,
Waiting for fall to lie.
Hear the horn from,
Many miles,
Away, to,
Miles away, to,
A mile away, so close,
To hereā€¦
Do I wait for you, or,
Walk on alone.
Or will you dissipate into,
A ghost haunting a ship from,
Many moons ago,
Trapping me here.
Of soul that once loved,
And now claimed by sea,
Resurfacing once,
Celestial decree,
Docked to a port,
Leaves rust,
Red, brown,
Burgundy, and only but a few left,
By street light and fog,
Silver green.

Between Jerusalem and Mexico series, a taboo love.

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