
Blush forest.

Brooklyn night.

Brown-eyed susan in sunlight.


By you.

I rest here peacefully, Among trees and water, and, In love, shaded, From the world, and, By you. Romanced by the South series.


Central Park West Side.

City block in sunlight.

Cows and sky.

Crown of Dumbo bridge.

Duck derrière.

When the blistering suns of the Carolinas are bearing down on your shoulders at the noon hour, find haven in cool waters brushed by the Southern Carolina air. Where the peaches are juicy and… Alright, you know the rest. Cluck a duck, it is hot down here. Romanced by the South series.


Distante are you. Atrás de mim. Too far from me, From the words I hear you speak. “Close your eyes, mami…” Falou. You tell me of your love, From behind, And what you’ll do to me, Over Porto, Da mar and an endless sea. I hear your breath closer now, Mi amor. “Neshama sheli,” falou. Looking out, In between, Your feet now, I lean back into you, With breeze, From Spain,

Forest and river.

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