
Garment District.


Habibti, Where are you, I’ve been thinking a lot. Truth is, I cannot stop thinking about. You coming to me like that… Your scent, and those eyes, can never stop reminiscing how shades of green capture light. You and that perfume, bergamot and fruit under city night. I can still taste you on my tongue and in my throat. You feel so safe, ma. I share things in the dark with you, I share things while caressing all the innocent parts of you.

I am not... Go vegan.

You most certainly are not, precious one.

I carry you.

I bask in suns of your countries marked in lines on your face, years too soon. Deep in you, I see you, in your brown-hazel eyes, when you speak. It nourishes me to know what is most cherished by you, what makes you glow, who broke you, and how to make you whole. I feel the sand… Somewhat wet, and cushioning my feet and all the arches, and the reflex points making me lean into you, unequivocally.

I watch over you.

I watch over you, soldier, From above. Calling out, For eyes more powerful, Than my own. To guide me, To see you, Clearly from so far, Over water, Between desert and forest. Look up, Those are the stars. When you feel the wind, Lean back. I’m whispering to you, From your left side, “I’m right here, In your arms.” The touch, From someone else, When you’re both alone, So far.


I think of you sometimes, what was once you. How our talks use to go, the ones before I could have a boy in my room. Just you and me on the phone, claiming one another so we both know. Convincing me to meet you in the night, between the willow trees’ path and dark drenched in moonglow. How could I say no. I recognize not knowing you, the face now showing you.

In black, slow motion.

You walk to me, in black, slow motion, then fast. I am alone, then your breath falls against my back. I hold my breath, in dark, before white snow takes you away. I cannot see, your fragrance grows behind me, close to me, choking me. Stillness all around me, mocking me, as if this is the last of me. Your air I am within, and your palm I feel reach my throat, your fingers sprawl across to hold me more.

In the blue, underneath.

I drift in an azure blue sea. Underneath, A moody beauty, Wanting too much. Branching fingers, That sprawl, Moving, Dividing me. Kelp and seaweed, Grabbing hold, With their extremities, Both wrapping around tight, Draping across, Pulling me. Prisoner to their kisses and strokes, Trapped, but not. I want to be here. Peeks of the night’s white glow, Casting down while, Entangled by, The tentacles of two that grab, And hold.


Indigo, Glows, In the summer, When, Sky, Falls, To touch, I, Anticipate, You. I walk into air and envision you. Hope for you. Walking towards you. Only light surrounding, Iridescent. An Ambanja panther chameleon, You. Blending in, City ports, Lights, Summer nights, And all the deepest, Sapphire shades, You, Invisible. I don’t want you. I need you. See you. I, Grip, To, You. Heat clinging to a pier holding, Only two.

Jal Mahal.

Jasmine. Bye, moon.

Jasmine by moon, Until the moon says bye. The scent ensnares you and I, Caressing alongside our silhouettes, Gripping groin and thighs, dissipating, Back into air. Fingertips to, Neck. Finding harder to leave, Breathe, You wanting to inhale only me. Behind me, Wanting me, marking me, For my memory. Your palm fastening tight, Guiding your clutch, moving, Pulling you into me. I can smell the earth and sandalwood taking, Hostage the,

Lilac lake.

I hold your hand, My beautiful man, We walk by the lake. Why do you love me so? Is it because, I will always take care of you, With all my heart and soul. You deserve so much more. Our time, In our space, Sharing, Caring, Knowing each other, In ways others can’t ever know. You delight me, Like purplish tones, Misting up from this still water, Making a lilac lake,

Lover be to me.

Lover be to me, everything. To see you, beyond a moment, Between pillows, And cotton layers. To study your body, Like, the stars of constellations, With, Anticipation and, Long stares. What makes you move like that, Moan like that, and, Close your eyes. If heaven were ever, A place I could go, I would ask for, Only you to be there. Next to me, in that space, Allowing religion and,

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