White petal stem.
You I feel transparent for, When you dance, Around me, Twinkling whites, Under a soft glow with light. Your black silk pressing into, My white petal stem, I succumb to you. Excerpt from Between Jerusalem and Mexico, a taboo love.
Winter bird.
Winter bird, fly low, In a sky full, Of white and fog. The wind whistles, “Return.” Before cold and dark glow. With lights from piers, And from ships overnight, Still is the harbor, holding the quiet. A day surrounding me with its presence, Of world and me. Excerpt from Between love poems and solitude.
You are... Sun.
The strength of your extremities, Penetrating, Empowering, enchanting, to, Overwhelming, overpowering, Taking over me. You melting, Thousands of moons in distance, After, Surrounding me by only, You, A God-being, In the afternoon. You, I feel, Against the outer parts of my body, And into the inside of me. Cut in quarters… One for love, For you, The calm innocence, and the, Anger, Filling up in you, No matter how much,
Your smile in the summer.
You hold my left hand, Across the pink weeds, I run my right hand, Through each one in the breeze, The grass brushing across my knees. In all of vast I see, You were too much for me. I followed you anyway through, Each season. I only see your smile in the summer, Before the sunlight blinds me, And you leave for the South. Following you, You look back at me,
Exodus through the Red Sea’s walls. A familiar walk from Egypt, Chag HaMatzot. We, my love, from worlds of far and close, and we walk together along the ocean, as waves crash, Poseidon howling, “What have you done, lovers, to me.” Will the sweetness of taboo’s entanglement imprint forever on our hearts, or, make your hand slip from me, mine from you. If I try to stand on sand past has brought me to, on this sacred, only space promised by God, will you be safe with me, me with you.